Coronavirus: Lament and Recovery
for Ourselves and Those We Serve

September 18, 2021
Virtual Conference via Zoom

The current pandemic has challenged us all in different ways. Grief, acute stress, and PTSD have been all too real. As Christians, we are instructed to weep with those who weep and mourn with those who mourn. For us to be able to fulfill this scripture we need to be aware of our own grief and emotional wellbeing. Unresolved grief often blocks us from being able to live out this calling. Intentionally giving space for grief is not easy, often messy and uncomfortable. During our time we will be sharing together about grief and recovery and how our own personal journey impacts patient care.

Main Speaker: Chaplain Larry Lyons

Chaplain Larry Lyons spoke at our 2020 Virtual Conference from his experience as a Chaplain at a hospital near Detroit which had many coronavirus cases. That conference left many unanswered questions so we have invited him back to teach and lead our discussion. Here is a little bit about our speaker's background.

  • Manager of Spiritual Care

  • Board Certified Chaplain

  • Appointed lead spiritual care advisor for Trinity Health national palliative care team

  • Advanced Care Plan trainer with Respecting Choices

  • Ten years in transformational leadership in an acute care setting

  • Two-year chaplain resident with an emphasis in trauma, behavioral health, pediatrics, palliative care

  • Sixteen years leading in FM church


Saturday (9/18) - 9:30am-12:30pm (EDT)

Keynote: Lament - Chaplain Larry Lyons
Keynote: Emotional Intelligence - Chaplain Larry Lyons
Group Sharing
Service of Prayer and Lament -
Dr Wayne McCown