In spite of Covid, additional people have been signing up for our newsletter. Our fall retreat was virtual but excellent. Several doctors from Africa attended by Zoom. In the coming year, we want to make more connections to African Doctors. Some will receive our newsletter and I invited them to submit articles.
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash
The board decided to plan on a face-to-face retreat next year. The dates are Sep 16-18 at the Essenhaus in Indiana. More information including the theme and speakers will be sent out in our February newsletter. We plan to have some of the sessions virtual for those on the Westcoast who do not want to travel far and for those overseas, but many of us want to meet in person.
We are also considering some special 1 or 2-hour zoom programs for churches and pastors, or for students. We are a fellowship, but we also have a mission to assist churches in addressing health needs. (those sick, elderly, disabled, mentally ill, or anyone suffering) We have appreciated what the chaplains have taught us and together we want to help our churches. Covid has shown us the importance of this.
If you have comments or suggestions, go to and click on contact and you can leave a message. The messages will be forwarded to our board and one of us will give you a call If you want one and you leave your phone number. We welcome input and also welcome articles for our newsletter but please run them by me before writing.