Praying for Haiti After Another Deadly Earthquake
Photo by Shefali Lincoln on Unsplash
Haiti: Ten years ago, Haiti had a terrible earthquake. In 2021 the president was assassinated, and the government is unstable. There is a covid epidemic. Then there is another major earthquake. The government seems incapable of helping its people. Even outside relief agencies are having trouble getting help to where it is needed. How can God allow one country to suffer so much? Many Free Methodists are giving money to help. We wonder what our Church leaders in Haiti are thinking
How to Pray for Haiti After Another Deadly Earthquake
Christian leaders in Haiti share what is different for believers between 2010 and now, as death toll passes 1,900.
[From Christianity Today]
Christianity Today had an interesting article, which is worth reading (see link above). They point out that the repeated damage was partially due to the earthquake, partially due to the poor government, and partly due to an attitude of hopelessness. Lament and hopelessness are not the same. After the last earthquake, people asked why buildings were not built in a way to help them not collapse in an earthquake. After the large quake ten years ago, building codes were developed but ignored, even by churches. Pastors in Haiti point out that nothing changed and that if larger buildings had been built to code, the loss of life would have been less. Of course, corruption is part of the reason. Corruption causes nations to stay in poverty and prevents change. But rather than complain and blame, we need to lament corruption and ask God to raise up national Christians to challenge the norm such as the pastors who are quoted in this article.
The article is an interesting discussion of political and theological issues that help make Haiti unable to change or even usefully use aid. There is much lament but not hopelessness. God is at work and Christians in Haiti and outside or trying to help. Various pastors for Haiti are quoted and the article gives lists of specific things to pray for concerning Haiti. Share this with your church (as well as what is happening in Africa). Many times, we do not want to know because we do not know what to do, but we are called to prayer and lament. We are not to look away or be too busy but as we lament and pray, and even give, we realize how seemly hopeless the problems are in Haiti yet we are called to lament and pray, not ignore and pray. Over the years God has does some great things through our mission efforts and the efforts of the local church. People have given and have prayed, let’s continue. Share the link to the Christianity Today article with others after you read it.
Another viewpoint:
Churches In Haiti Lie In Ruins After The Earthquake But Still Try To Comfort And Help
NPR News (April 30)
This news reports the destruction of catholic churches but then points out how much the churches do for the people. For many they receive their education in church-run schools, and churches supply food and much help to many, all things that the government seems unable to do. Protestant churches were included, and the report shows that despite all the troubles, God is still at work through churches in Haiti. Destruction of the buildings do not change that. This report in a secular news outlet makes me feel very good as a Christian. Keep praying and keep helping.