The following article was posted by Nundu News in thanks of the scholarship provided for Dr. Baren:
NUNDU NEWS: November 20, 2023
Thank you, Free Methodist Healthcare Fellowship, for providing a scholarship for Dr. Ebuela Mtee Baron to pursue a residency in OB/GYN. Dr. Baron joined the staff of Deaconess Nundu Hospital as a general practitioner in January 2020. Before joining DNH, Dr. Baron completed his internship at “Hopital de Baraka” funded by the MSF-Hollande, for six months. After his training, he served at Fizi Hospital for nine months, and then joined, as the only doctor, a private clinic in Baraka (Polyclinique de Dieu).
Meeting with Dr. Baron August 2023
Dr. Baron holds a bachelor’s degree in medicine from “Universite Officielle de Bukavu”, completed in 2016. He holds a high school diploma in biochemistry, Institut de la Fraternite, Kigoma, Tanzania in 2009, completed while he was a refugee from the conflict in his home country DR Congo. He was born at the Deaconess Nundu Hospital in 1988.
On his arrival at Nundu from Baraka, he was assigned to the obstetrics-gynecologic service. While serving as a general practitioner with limited training he attended to many patients who required referral to a specialist. These patients would have to be transferred to Bukavu, the provincial capital of South Kivu, more than 250 kilometers north of Nundu. Living away from their home village and traveling to the city was difficult, and sometimes even dangerous. During their journey their problem would often get worse, and some patients would even die.
Deaconess Nundu Hospital medical staff and church leaders, June visit 2022
Baron is happy for the opportunity to give back to his community. He is motivated by his desire to help a population which is suffering from very complex medical conditions. Seeing the need for additional training, he competed successfully with 57 doctors for one of 13 scholarships in a residency program at the University of Burundi in obstetrics-gynecology. However, he found that as a Congolese he was obliged to pay $1500 per year tuition.
With limited resources available, Dr. Baron began his training in Bujumbura, November 2022, leaving his wife Anne Marie and daughter at Nundu. In February 2023 he and Anne celebrated two years of marriage as well as the first birthday of their only daughter Emilee.
Connie Ebuela November 12, 2023
Emilee, Dr. Baron, Anne Marie
The need for scholarship support came to our attention in August of this year while on our mission to the DR Congo. Though Dr. Baron had received support to pay his tuition fees for one year from his brother, he was without sufficient funds to provide the basic needs of his family. Anne was making a way for herself at Nundu by preparing meals for special events as well as taking on sewing projects. She also learned that she was pregnant with their second baby, due in November. The opportunity to support this couple with a scholarship was presented to the Free Methodist Healthcare Fellowship and approved. Thank you for your support.
The Baron family is now living in Bujumbura, Burundi. Their second daughter was born November 13 and was given the name Connie Ebuela. We are blessed to be in relationship with this beautiful family. Is your heart drawn to Africa? There are other opportunities to support worthy scholarship recipients as well as to continue support for the additional three years of Baron’s residency. To give, go to